The zongzi leaves, peanuts and sweet rice are soaked overnight. Similarly, the pork belly is marinated in soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, white pepper, sugar, and salt and left overnight. The next day the peanuts are boiled, the rice is mixed with soy sauce and salt, and the pork is cooked in oil. Make a cone with the zongzi leaves and place rice, cooked and chopped pork, cooked egg yolk, and boiled peanuts in layers, and steam it.
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How To Prepare Zongzi Cantonese Style?
- 36-40 dried zongzi leaves (2 to 3 leaves per zongzi)
- 5 cups uncooked sweet rice
- 2 tbsp (plus 2 tsp) light soy sauce
- 2 tsp (plus 1/2 tsp) salt
- 2/3 cup raw peanuts
- 1 pound pork belly, cut into 12 equal pieces
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 2 tsp shaoxing wine
- 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
- 1 tsp oil
- 1/2 cup water
- 6 salted duck egg yolks
- 3 chinese sausages
- Soak leaves, sweet rice, and peanuts overnight
- In a bowl, toss pork belly, 2 tsp soy sauce, sugar, shaoxing wine, salt, and white pepper. Marinade overnight
- The next day, wash and rinse each leaf, and keep in water so they don't dry out
- Drain the rice completely in a colander. Mix soaked, uncooked rice with soy sauce and salt
- Boil the peanuts for 5 minutes. Drain, then set aside
- Heat oil in a wok over medium heat. Cook pork belly for a few minutes
- Add water ro wok. Cover wok and cook for 5-10 minutes until water is gone. Remove from wok and let cool
- Cut egg yolks in half, and cut sausage into pieces
- Layer three leaves together, cut the ends offx and form into a cone
- Fill bottom with rice, then add pork belly, egg yolk, peanuts, and sausage. Top with some more rice
- Fold leaves around side of filling, and bring down over filling to crete wrap
- Tie wrap closed, and cut off excess leaf at the end
- Place zongzi in a pot, and submerge with cold water. Weigh down zongzi with a plate
- Bring water to boil, then bring to simmer. Simmer for 7-8 hours. Add boiling water if necessary periodically
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