葡萄酒愛好者 | FABULOUS 混合紅葡萄酒(6 瓶)| 42% 折扣 |新的
- 1 瓶葡萄酒愛好者 | FABULOUS 混合紅葡萄酒(6 瓶)|收藏
- 打孔製作的美妙之處在於它的簡單性。只需根據您的口味添加所有配料即可上桌!
- 你可以用草莓、橙子片、新鮮蔓越莓和肉桂棒裝飾你的潘趣酒碗!
- 如果需要,加冰食用。
Aussie Meat
Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week. Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office. We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.
Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week. Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office. We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.