由 Aussie Meat 發布,對於這個美妙的食譜,我們感謝 Just a Pinch 提供的食譜鏈接https://www.justapinch.com/recipes/main-course/main-course-beef/black-angus-beef-roast. html
- 將烤箱預熱至 300 度,或有蓋鑄鐵煎鍋,噴上烹飪噴霧,放在一旁備用。這些是該食譜中使用的一些主要成分。
- 清洗並準備蔬菜,將一些添加到盤子底部,並保留一些放在烤肉的外面。
- 用精選香料調味烤肉的各面。將大約一半的麵粉添加到盤子底部的蔬菜中。現在將烤牛肉放在上面。
- 將蔬菜放在烤肉的外周周圍。
- 在烤肉上撒上洋蔥湯混合物和剩餘的麵粉
- 加入 2 杯高湯,烤肉時會產生更多液體。
- 放入 300 度預熱的烤箱中,煮約 3 小時或根據需要烹製,我的中間有點粉紅色,我們更喜歡這樣。從烤箱中取出,放置約10分鐘,然後將烤肉從盤中取出,並使用電動刀切片,以便於雕刻。在烤肉周圍添加蔬菜,然後與您選擇的其他面和您最喜歡的麵包一起享用。
Aussie Meat
Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week. Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office. We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.
Aussie Meat is thrilled to announce the Referrals & Rewards Program for all our Aussie Meat Lovers. You and your friends and family can enjoy the benefits by simply Refer a friend and receive HKD50 OFF on your next purchase, and your friend will receive HKD100 OFF on their first purchase. The great news is that you can KEEP referring and earning the rewards.
Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week. Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office. We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.